Creative Tastebuds 2021 was a unique event uncovering how we eat for both pleasure and planet. Six researchers with different perspetives on food and taste together with three savvies of design, journalism, and politics - and an active and knowledgeable audience – took on rethinking how we can change the planet through taste. Paul Tyler from Handling Ideas mediated the fourth session where both experts, moderators, and audience came together around a table of figures and Lego bricks to discuss future solutions.
Introduction and welcome by Eva Rymann, Marie Damsbo-Svendsen and Susanne Højlund
- This is a tastebud.. and this is our hope.
Det var to berigende og lærerige dage. Virkelig flot arrangeret. Wow!
I love the ambition of the Creative Tastebuds concept, it was indeed a conference like no other, with a great panel of speakers. Please thank the team for all their hard work in organising and thinking of those of us viewing from home
Tak for et virkeligt godt symposium, på mange planer. Enestående lineup af gode talere med spændende indhold. Når alt klapper, så er det let at overse det praktiske, strukturen, afviklingen. Det overså man helt på CT2021, fordi det var så utroligt godt ”produceret”. Meget empatisk design af CT2021
You created something quite unique, an intimate, organic, energizing, insightful, engaging and expressive space for people to congregate around a very interesting, important and complex question. Thanks for making something so amazing, something that people will struggle to forget.
Mange tak for en fænomenalt arrangeret konference! Det er uden sammenligning det mest professionelle forløb jeg har deltaget i, overlegent godt udtænkt!
Congratulations on the symposium! It was a fascinating series of discussions, and thanks to Paul for his skilful facilitation
Many congratulations on a really thought provoking event. I really wish I could have been there in person, to meet everyone and to taste the raspberries from my fingers and to try Ole's kohlrabi, to see the venue and more. And to be able to hear everything and not sound echoey. But considering what an incredibly difficult time it still is for live events, it was a triumph. I feel very lucky to have been able to hear all the talks and will be thinking about some of the ideas for many months to come.
Many, many thanks for organising this wonderful encounter in spite of the virus and its dangers and uncertainties. I found both days stimulating and fun, even though at times challenging for technical reasons. But the overall quality of the various interventions was excellent and in addition to that, the whole thing was a lot of fun! So, by all means, thank you and bravo!